The Latest in Air Quality Action

Find out about the latest news in air quality and how EMSOL is working with key partners.

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New legal limits for PM2.5

New legal limits for PM2.5

On the 16th March the UK Government announced new proposed legal limits for PM2.5 EMSOL takes a closer look at the proposals to answer why they are important, what the new limits are, whether they go far enough and what action businesses can take now. Why is PM2.5...

Queens Square – Croydon Council Case Study

Queens Square – Croydon Council Case Study

Queens Square - Croydon Council Case Study London feels like it is constantly being rebuilt; nowhere is that more evident than in Croydon which has 11 multi-million pound developments in process during any given month. The resulting pollution and congestion that these...

Why is dust control in construction important?

Why is dust control in construction important?

Dust emissions are often overlooked as companies focus on Net Zero targets but dust emissions have serious health effects for your workers and the local communities you work in. Here's why we think it's important to re-focus on the control of dust emissions in...

The Business Case for Improving Air Quality in Construction

The Business Case for Improving Air Quality in Construction

The Business Case for Improving Air Quality in Construction   Politicians, the media and the public agree the environment is a top priority of our times and much attention is focused on global warming and greenhouse gas emissions, particularly CO2 . But an...

Businesses cannot afford to ignore their pollution impact

Businesses cannot afford to ignore their pollution impact

Want to learn how retailers can benefit from evidencing their green credentials? Make sure to download our free paper which can add value to developing or executing on any sustainability strategy. Improving pollution is a major corporate priority – but most large...

What Emissions does EMSOL measure, record and report?

What Emissions does EMSOL measure, record and report?

EMSOL is committed to helping our customers take scientific action on site based and transport pollution that they can action. This video explains what air pollutants we do (and can) measure, record and report.

Birmingham New Street Case Study

Birmingham New Street Case Study

Birmingham New Street - Case Study At first glance, rail’s contribution to UK emissions seems low. Transport accounts for 26% of UK carbon emissions, for example, but only 1% comes from trains. Nonetheless, improving air quality is a major priority that demands...

New Research Paper Published

New Research Paper Published

EMSOL worked with National Rail and West Midlands Railway at Birmingham New Street to help them assess how rail companies can work together to take action on improving local air quality and meeting their clean air targets. EMSOL’s environmental data scientist Dr...

Businesses can’t afford to ignore pollution

Businesses can’t afford to ignore pollution

Why businesses cannot afford to ignore pollution Want to learn how businesses can benefit by evidencing their green credentials? Our free white paper will add value, context, and tips on developing or executing any...

Greenwashing or bad data?

Greenwashing or bad data?

The Times, reported on a recent PwC report which warned that “big business is greenwashing its environmental credentials”. This is an issue we have highlighted already following a greenwashing crackdown from the UK’s Competition...

The fight for clean air and carbon reduction

The fight for clean air and carbon reduction

When asked, most of the public support reductions to pollution or improvements in air quality support. For example, in 2020 78% felt tackling pollution should be a priority. Yet, rarely are the distinctions between clean air and carbon reduction widely understood or...

Our wish list for COP26

Our wish list for COP26

November’s COP26 conference will see the world’s leaders descend on Glasgow for the latest round of the United Nations’ ongoing climate change negotiations. The event is significant and we would expect to see a range of measures and funding announced to support carbon...

Stop Greenwashing! Start Reducing Pollution

Stop Greenwashing! Start Reducing Pollution

Everyone is going green!? The last few years have seen a massive uptake in businesses prepared to lead the way on sustainability. 90% of the largest 500 companies by market cap in the Russell index published sustainability reports in 2019. This is driven by a range of...

EMSOL is Crowdfunding – take advantage of EIS

EMSOL is Crowdfunding – take advantage of EIS

Investing over £500 in EMSOL? We are EIS qualified so don’t miss the opportunity to take advantage of the range of tax relief this offers! Invest in EMSOL on Seedrs What is EIS? You may have heard us raving about how we’re EIS qualified and depending on your...

Is the Ultra Low Emission Zone the fix for air pollution?

Is the Ultra Low Emission Zone the fix for air pollution?

Pollution has improved since the ULEZ and LEZ The Ultra Low Emission Zone in central London has had a big impact on London since it was introduced in April 2019, helping to reduce nitrogen dioxide in the centre by nearly half. On the 25th of October, the ULEZ will...

Enough from us

Enough from us

Enough from us, you know that we think what we’re doing is awesome, so it’s time for a change of voice.  Why have other people invested in EMSOL? What makes EMSOL special? We value our relationships with our investors, we send regular updates via email, remain...

Just another good cause looking for money?!

Just another good cause looking for money?!

Did your friend recently run the London Marathon? Has your sister finished that sponsored walk? We all get inundated with requests to dip into our pockets, so knowing where and when to do so can be challenging because for most of us, the pocket isn’t infinite. Let me...

Will the power of procurement drive greater sustainability?

Will the power of procurement drive greater sustainability?

Can procurement and supply chain preference be a driving force for environmental change? Or is it just one more factor in the massive trend driving society towards more sustainable business practices. We know that pressure is all around when it comes to being...

13 Reasons to Invest in EMSOL

13 Reasons to Invest in EMSOL

EMSOL are crowdfunding to help us advance our product to meet our vision while continuing to grow and scale the businesses.The timing couldn't be better. It comes at a time when regulators are pressing for more demanding action (UK Environment Bill and mandatory...

How can you improve sustainability across your supply chain?

How can you improve sustainability across your supply chain?

Sustainability is no longer just about saving the planet. For savvy retailers, it's become a major opportunity to stand out from the competition and drive top and bottom line growth. But talk is cheap - and consumers are fed up with empty green promises. To back up...

How can you improve sustainability across your supply chain?

How can you improve sustainability across your supply chain?

Why you need to take control of supply chain sustainability It doesn't matter if you are looking to achieve Scope 3 emissions, sustainability targets, or customer demand for green deliveries - tackling supply chain pollution is difficult. Discover why you need to take...

EMSOL is Crowdfunding Press Release – Join the pollution revolution

NOT TO BE PUBLISHED BEFORE 18TH OCTOBER 10:00AM EMSOL launches crowdfunding campaign to accelerate commercial roll out to meet demand as climate change-related litigation and calls for anti-greenwashing rise worldwide. EMSOL have launched a Seedrs campaign to generate...

WHO Air Quality Guidelines 2021 – Watch

WHO Air Quality Guidelines 2021 – Watch

Your Guide to the New WHO Air Quality Standards With pollution limits a recommended 3x tighter, we cover what the impact is going to be and how this will affect organisations by diving into a data from a real-world case study. minute...

WHO Air Quality Guidelines 2021

WHO Air Quality Guidelines 2021

Your Guide to the New WHO Air Quality Standards. With pollution limits a recommended 3x tighter, we cover what the impact is going to be and how this will affect organisations by diving into a data from a real-world case study. 10 minute video guide - everything you...