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Back to work… but not back to normal

Back to work… but not back to normal

It’s fair to say that the impacts of the lockdown on air quality have been noticeable, with air pollution levels falling significantly across many cities. But now the ‘big return’ is happening, poor air quality stands a chance of making its return as well. For...
Innovation and sustainability are knocking on your door

Innovation and sustainability are knocking on your door

Innovation and sustainability are knocking on your door What have you done for the environment today? Maybe you’ve separated the waste. Or you’ve taken public transportation to get to work. These are little actions that, believe it or not, add up. But the...
The post-COVID-19 Challenge

The post-COVID-19 Challenge

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]It’s hard to think of the future right now. With events constantly happening, and in the midst of arguably the biggest challenge facing the UK since the end of World War II, thinking of what the world could be like is very difficult...
Clean Air Zones – the right solution?

Clean Air Zones – the right solution?

Much has been made of the recent improvements in air quality as a consequence of the movement restrictions from COVID-19. However, these reductions are likely to be temporary as industry and transport networks recover from the effects of shutdowns over the longer...
Clean Air at last – but at what cost

Clean Air at last – but at what cost

An article from EMSOL CEO and co-founder, Freddie Talberg I think that it is fair to say that we have not seen a few weeks like the ones that we have just had. Who could have thought that, even at the start of the month, we would be faced with school closures huge...
What is the real impact of a zero emission street?

What is the real impact of a zero emission street?

Barely a week goes by without the latest plan or initiative aimed at reducing emissions or reducing levels of air pollution. This coming week will see the latest in this long line, when Beech Street in the City of London becomes one of the first zero emission streets...