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Local authorities are under pressure from residents to control the emissions levels of these  facilities that are often embedded within urban communities. The businesses that own the problem are keen to manage emissions and minimise the impact of their operations but they need innovative solutions to help them identify root causes of pollution, proactively control levels at sites and ensure transparency of scientific emissions data for all concerned stakeholders.

In a project created by Merton Council they are using innovation to explore how essential city servicing activity can be responsibly managed to avoid impact on our environment, health and wellbeing. The project brings together the Local Authorities, innovation partner EMSOL and 3 waste management centres. Air and noise quality sensors, along with camera technology were installed at the 3 waste centres by emissions management company EMSOL to manage, reduce and evidence emissions control.

Find out more about the project and see the astounding results each business has managed to achieve with EMSOL’s pollution data and insights by downloading our Case Study.

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