+44 (0)20 3982 9440 sales@emsol.io
How EMSOL can help local authorities with public health

How EMSOL can help local authorities with public health

As those of you who work in local authorities know, many Councils in the UK have a duty to improve the health of local people. Not improve public health as in the way that the NHS does it (treats you when you are ill), but to do all they can to improve the general...
Clean Air Strategy 2019: A load of hot air?

Clean Air Strategy 2019: A load of hot air?

[Updated August 2020 – COVID-19 has put a spotlight on the link between respiratory health issues and air quality with emerging evidence linking air pollution to an increased vulnerability to COVID-19. This requires urgent action to reduce congestion and...
What does an electric future mean for EMSOL?

What does an electric future mean for EMSOL?

Over the last couple of weeks we have been talking a lot about the impact of Ultra Low Emission Zones on the EMSOL business. But another transport revolution is taking place that we would be want to ignore. That of the revolution in electric traction in all types of...
Future Scenarios for ULEZs

Future Scenarios for ULEZs

As we discussed in our article last week, Ultra-Low Emission Zones are becoming and increasingly-used weapon in the arsenal of local authorities to tackle poor air quality in their area. Whilst our preference at EMSOL is for a market-first approach to tackling air...
ULEZs and EMSOL – Are they are threat?

ULEZs and EMSOL – Are they are threat?

Ultra-Low Emission Zones are becoming an increasingly-used weapon in the arsenal of local authorities seeking to tackle poor air quality in their area. We have discussed these, and our preference for a market-first approach. But we at EMSOL accept that local...
What makes EMSOL different?

What makes EMSOL different?

We have spoken over the last few months about the importance of air quality in our cities, and how local authorities are taking an increasing interest in this space. With over £5 billion spent annually by local authorities on Environmental Services, its a big...