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How EMSOL Helped 3 Waste Firms Radically Cut Site Emissions


Three waste management centres were facing growing community complaints over excessive site pollution affecting resident health and wellbeing. Learn how they took targeted action to improve pollution and community relations.


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The EMSOL Difference

“By having the EMSOL air and noise quality measuring equipment, it has allowed us to focus on some operational improvements which minimises any impact our recycling operations has on the local environment.”

Chris Batterbee, Environmental Compliance Manager, Powerday

Compliant and Sustainable Site Operations

Deploying EMSOL’s integrated monitoring technology provided unprecedented visibility into noise, dust and traffic emissions. Enabled targeted interventions including: route optimisations to reduce queuing, revised waste loading plans, and new filtration systems.

This result of taking targeted interventions meant:

  • 46% decrease in Peak PM2.5 Levels
  • Compliance with DEFRA air quality guidelines evidenced
  • Excellent ROI evidenced

Smart Waste Cities Case Study