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Taking stock

Oct 15, 2018 | Blog

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]As alluded to in our post last week, it has been a crazy time over the last few weeks for us at EMSOL. A lot of people are getting excited by our product, we spent a lot of time preparing for the National Air Quality Conference, and spent time on further improving the product itself.

When you are crazy hard at work like this, it is often difficult to remember quite how far you have come. Just looking back at what we at EMSOL have achieved in the short term we have been around, and it is quite amazing. To name but a few that we can think of over the last few months:

All the while building a team, refining our product, and meeting the fantastic community of air quality champions from far and wide. It has been quite a ride.

The most important part of it all for us has been the feedback that we have received from local authorities and the logistics industry. Their feedback so far has been very clear to us. They like what we are offering. They realise that even if air quality doesn’t currently impact upon the bottom line too much at the moment, it is both the right thing to do, and government is becoming increasingly interested in tougher action.

The industry has been great at understanding that there is a problem, and the scale of it. What has been fantastic to hear is that because our solution enables people to practical action, our customers can worry about the bottom line or legal requirements less. Because it allows them to take action when issues arise.

The other week, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Changes’ Report brought home again about how environmental action isn’t about activism, it is about good business decisions. The environment isn’t a legal duty, or a nice to have. It is business. And we make it business.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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