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Our Interview for London Tech Week

Oct 9, 2020 | News

EMSOL Won ‘Tech For Good’ at London Tech Week Elevating Founders the following is an interview from the event.

Can you give a brief overview of EMSOL

EMSOL develops technology solutions which enable organisations to increase revenue and profitability through the reduction of pollution in the urban supply chain. EMSOL goes beyond passive pollution monitoring by fusing data from air and noise quality monitors with train or vehicle location data to quickly and accurately identify the sources of pollution. This enables businesses and local authorities to take targeted, daily actions which reduce local pollution and protect respiratory health.

Where did your idea stem from?

EMSOL was founded in 2017 to disrupt how urban supply chain pollution is managed. We saw that most of the available technology solutions used legacy hardware to deliver retrospective data about what was…really…already known…and the data was used mostly for creating charts in quarterly status reports. Kind of perfect – for never achieving long range environmental targets.

The market told us that they needed targeted, actionable insights and evidence to make continuous improvements with their fleets and subcontractors. Perfect for driving toward long range environmental targets with improvements happening every day, starting now.

Today, the need for action has only risen. COVID-19 has put a spotlight on the link between respiratory health issues and air quality, with emerging evidence linking air pollution to an increased COVID-19 vulnerability. This requires urgent action to maintain the benefits of lower pollution that we experienced during lockdown.

How is your company going to impact the future of tech or disrupt the market?

The EMSOL SaaS platform is enabling companies and local authorities – for the first time – to clearly identify the vehicles and assets causing pollution breaches and work with them to fix the problem for improved respiratory health in their local community

Our mission is to ensure that every community has a clean, safe and healthy local environment where air quality is high and noise pollution is minimal. The EMSOL platform enables local authorities and corporates to pinpoint the emission problem at the moment it becomes a problem and take specific steps to reduce pollution which significantly simplifies compliance and increases profitability. As a result, they are able to achieve their environmental targets vs simply monitoring pollution levels.

What makes your company different?

We believe urban areas can continue to grow and develop while maintaining – and even reducing – pollution levels. EMSOL is an advocate of sustainable development using data and analytics to enable companies to take targeted action which reduces pollution.

EMSOL is designed for any organisation trying to hit their environmental targets vs simply monitoring the status. We deliver insights and evidence to support action every day which reduces pollution from the urban supply chain. This is a contrast from expensive, long range investments or simply monitoring pollution with no insights to drive action.

The EMSOL platform informs organisations how they can achieve their goals to improve the environment and reduce pollution. We are constantly tuning our model based on the analytics in our system and market feedback to give our customers meaningful, targeted, actionable information vs simply…more data.

Where do you see your company in 5 years’ time?

Today, EMSOL is focused on reducing pollution from the urban supply chain in the UK utilizing air quality data, noise data and asset location data. In terms of future solutions, we have a roadmap of many more data sources and analytics which will leverage existing investments in asset location and pollution monitoring to deliver more intelligence and enable our customers to much more accurately pinpoint actions and investments which fix the sources of pollution. We are also getting strong demand to leverage our highly accurate location data, analytics and insight for a number of site-based resource and respiratory health management challenges. In terms of regional expansion, over the next five years we plan to expand internationally across Western Europe and North America.

The future for EMSOL is incredibly exciting and its the kind of company you’re proud to be working for.

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