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HS2 Site Emissions Control Innovation Project

Dec 6, 2022 | CONSTRUCTION, News

EMSOL was contracted by HS2 as part of their innovation initiative to collaborate with HS2’s main works civil contractors Skanska Costain Strabag Joint Venture (SCS JV) to explore the air emissions linked to site activities, to provide root cause analysis and insights and to record mitigations made at the HS2 Euston Approaches Site.
We’re thrilled to be able to release this 2 page Case Study to share some of the detail and success of the project which is available to download below. If you would like a more detailed run through of this project or EMSOL’s innovative emissions control product please CONTACT US for a 30 minute no-obligation demonstration.

Inside this case study, see how smart technology helped HS2’s main civil contractor monitor, analyse and mitigate site emissions in real-time. Discover how precision tracking was used to:

🔴 Slash particulate emissions during work
🔴 Rapidly pinpoint and resolve breach events
🔴 Attribute issues to specific vehicles
🔴 Develop thresholds for proactive management
🔴 Evidence compliance to local authorities
🔴 Prevent community complaints reaching HS2

Combining IoT sensors with telematics and analytics, this breakthrough platform alerted teams instantly when thresholds were exceeded. For the first time, root causes could be identified allowing swift and targeted response.

See inside how sharing real-time visualization and controls with site managers is enabling centralized emissions oversight across HS2 sites for the first time.

Understand how smart technology is helping construction live up to the promises of HS2’s greenest infrastructure project claims.


Download the HS2 Site Emissions Control Innovation Project

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