+44 (0)20 3982 9440 sales@emsol.io

How EMSOL works

EMSOL provides a comprehensive air quality monitoring and management solution that goes beyond traditional methods.

EMSOL deploys air and noise quality monitors, along with camera technology, to provide deep insight on air and noise pollution issues. This allows you to dig into root cause identification (including supplier impact).

What data is collected

Air and noise quality data is collected in real-time, 24 hours a day. It is then aggregated and analysed and can be viewed in the EMSOL Platform, with updates shared via instant SMS alerts, where required. Where installed, we also collect anonymised video data.


What we measure

proactive about pollution (4)
We measure particulate matter (PM 2.5 and PM 10) and NO2 gas and noise levels by installing our sensors at our customers’ site or sites. A typical deployment includes air quality and noise sensors, camera technology and our cloud-based platform.

What makes EMSOL unique?

Our platform gives customers the power to identify root causes of emissions issues on their sites by identifying ‘peaks’ of pollution that we call pollution events. We use unique camera technology which allows you to retrospectively record the presence of your own fleet and supply chain on the site when the spikes occur. The EMSOL platform combines data, images and video, so you can attribute pollution events to specific site or vehicle activity.

The EMSOL Platform allows you to:

Monitor supply chain performance

Evidence regulation compliance

Comparison to environmental standards

Prove progress on air quality commitments

Track mitigation effectiveness

Find out how EMSOL can help your organisation with emissions control.