Reduce Pollution in Construction

EMSOL empowers businesses to take control of air quality through targeted actions.

Compliance teams are under-resourced and over-worked, stuck behind the curve with unspecific and retrospective pollution data. This problem is made even more immediate given the on-going health crisis which requires urgent thinking on air quality’s link to respiratory health. Teams are looking for ways to make immediate and targeted improvements to reduce pollution and improve respiratory health.

EMSOL has worked with partners across the construction sector including Mace, Hansons, and Croydon Council to take targeted action on air and noise pollution.

Helping identify when an emission breach occurred and what the likely cause is. Enabling teams to take specific actions every day reduce transport emissions and reduce workforce exposure.

EMSOL helps us to target enforcement against non-compliant site vehicle activity and pollution

Taking control over emissions is difficult

A key feature of the EMSOL system is correlating the emissions data from sensors with tagged vehicle data, thereby, intelligently monitoring emissions thresholds and identify offending assets. These insights enable the council and contractor to take targeted action in mitigating the environmental impact of the site and pinpoint specific problem assets or vehicles.


EMSOL empowers small teams to make a big difference.

  • Delivers specific, granular evidence to support enforcement
  • Enables precise, targeted action to reduce emissions every day
  • Simplifies compliance; makes it easier to be environmentally ethical
  • Smooths the relationship between business and local authorities
  • Pre-empts and safeguards against tougher future regulations
  • Unlocks value from legacy monitoring hardware investments