+44 (0)20 3982 9440 sales@emsol.io

Construction Air Quality, Precisely Measured and Managed

Transform site monitoring with MCERTS-certified precision and smart analytics. Identify pollution sources in real-time, prevent compliance issues, and protect your reputation with trusted British technology.

construction site

Trusted by Leading Construction Firms


morgan sindall
quinn construction
vistry group

High-Precision Monitoring Made Simple


Site-Wide Environmental Control

Meet planning conditions with confidence using MCERTS-certified monitoring that’s proven on major construction projects. Our British-engineered equipment accurately tracks dust, emissions and noise levels across your site, providing the trusted data you need for regulatory compliance and stakeholder reporting.

High-Precision Monitoring
  • MCERTS certified
  • Easily monitor PM10, PM2.5, NO2
  • British engineering excellence
  • Weather resilience specifications
Built For Construction
  • IAQM compliance
  • Planning condition management
  • Dust suppression validation
  • NRMM emissions monitoring
john lewis
vistry group

Real-Time Source Detection

Stop guessing what’s causing dust and emission spikes. Our platform combines site cameras with machine learning to instantly identify specific activities – from vehicle movements to material handling. Prevent complaints and work stoppages by catching issues before they impact neighboring communities.

Air Quality Made Simple for Construction


Continuous Monitoring

Our MCERTS-certified equipment continuously captures precise air quality data across your site, providing reliable measurements of key pollutants 24/7 in all weather conditions.

Real-time Analysis

Smart cameras and machine learning technology instantly process monitoring data to identify pollution sources, enabling immediate understanding of environmental impacts.

Automated Reporting

The EMSOL platform can instantly generate compliance reports, turning complex environmental data into clear insights for all stakeholders.

Proactive Control

Using predictive analytics and instant alerts, your team can take targeted action before issues escalate, maintaining consistent environmental performance.

How EMSOL Has Supported Construction Projects


Case Study: Quinn London

Faced with a high-risk build, Quinn Construction partnered with EMSOL for real-time visibility of noise issues.

    Quinn logo

    Case Study: Bennet Construction

    How EMSOL was able to identify the cause of dust pollution, allowing the site to take steps to bring down pollution events by 71%.


      Construction resources and news

      EMSOL Shortlisted for “Best Use of Technology” Construction Award

      EMSOL Shortlisted for “Best Use of Technology” Construction Award

      We are excited to announce that EMSOL has been shortlisted for the "Best Use of Technology: Smart Data Collection in Construction" award at TechFest by Construction News and New Civil Engineer. This category recognises teams using innovative technology to collect and...