by Admin Account | Aug 5, 2020 | Resources, Videos
EMSOL empowers organizations to take specific actions for improving the quality of the local environment. This is through targeted air and noise pollution identification which benefits the communities our customers operate...
by Caroline | Jul 17, 2020 | Case studies
The Marshall Building at 44 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, is an urban redevelopment involving demolition of an existing building and construction of a new, mixed use building with 12-levels. The site is in the heart of the London School of Economics (LSE) university campus,...
by Caroline | Apr 26, 2020 | Event, Resources, Webinars
In case you couldn’t join us for the webinar or you just wanted to go through all the amazing content again, you can now stream the EMSOL Webinar Improving Air Quality in Logistics on demand. You’ll hear how Transport for London is making air quality improvements...
by Caroline | Jan 21, 2020 | Case studies
Croydon, Queen’s Square London feels like it is constantly being rebuilt; nowhere is that more evident than in Croydon which has 11 multi-million pound developments in process during any given month. The resulting pollution and congestion that these sites cause is a...